KnowledgeModular housing – what is sit?

Modular housing technology is about constructing buildings of repetitive elements. First a building concept is converted to a modular design based on a list of accessible modules. For example it can be a list of three modules: bathroom, living room, bedroom. If those three modules are connected then a single bedroom unit is created. However if bathroom and living room modules are connected with two bedroom modules then a two bedroom unit is created. Then in the next step another set like this one can be created to the right and left of the first set and then copied on top – thus forming a residential multifamily building.

What does prefab mean?
On-site construction means that all elements of the building are created on-site, where the building is erected. With prefabricated, precast elements parts of a building, whole rooms or even small-sized buildings can be factory made. Prefabrication means that building elements are manufactured in a controlled environment and then they are transported to the final destination site to be installed.


What is the difference between different modular technologies?
The basis to differentiate between existing modular technologies is its core material used for construction. The simplest and also the weakest houses are built with wooden frame – thus cannot stand the powers of hurricanes.
A more advanced approach is to substitute wood with steel. This steel framed technology is more durable but again walls cannot stand excessive forces of high velocity winds.
The strongest and the most durable buildings are made of reinforced concrete walls that provide sheltering for those inside.


Why is USAReinforced project so important?
The first and foremost aim of the project is protection of all residents of concrete modular buildings in hurricane zones. Secondly the aim of the project is to protect assets and wealth of building owners. USAReinforced buildings will be safe shelters and if even one single life is saved with this technology than it proves worthy to run the project.


How USAReinforced saves lives?
Whatever the conditions outside of the module, inside is not affected. Walls manufactured with reinforced concrete are effective protection against volatile weather conditions. Building structure is also strengthened with matching enchanced windows and doors.







